Saturday, October 22, 2011


Flaunt happened this weekend in Reynolda Village and was fabulously fun! My booth looked like this:

P.S Handsome fellow at table not for sale!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Bow Ties and Ties

Adorable Noah in a Little General Designs custom tie. Available in every color and size!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Trunk Show and Photo Shoot!


I've been negligent to this blog. I hope you can forgive me. You can? Thanks. I promise I'll be better about this. Even though I don't say much these days, The Little General has been doing a lot of conquering lately!

I have big news! (Hopefully news that will keep you coming back!) Me and Nicole Nelson of Nicole Nelson Photography ( teamed up to do some collaborative work! She generously shot my newest collection, "La Vie," just this past Friday. What an incredible shoot! We had 7 little girls all done up and enjoying themselves immensely. I won't give away too many of the details, but let's just say I learned my lesson pairing silks, frosting and a 5 year old. Lesson learned. Do you want to see these amazing pictures? You do? Well then, you'll just have to keep visiting my blog. They'll be here soon. Promise.

Also exciting: mini sessions with Nicole coming soon! "What's that," you ask? Here's how it works: you get some beautiful portraits of your beautiful children wearing my beautiful clothing, and then you get to take all of them back home! Sounds beautiful, no!?

Lastly, I wanted to share a photo of my work that my incredible younger sister, Breanna, took back in October. It's so "Baby Anthropologie." She's talented, this one!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New adventures

Since I've had absolutely nothing going on lately, (har har) I've decided it's time to embark on yet another new adventure: teaching. I'll be teaching a fabric flower class along with this simple skirt and pettiskirt class at Karen Gray Design on March 12th, March 16th, and April 27th. It's going to be fabulous, and they are all oh-so-cute! Visit or call the shop for more details!

PS I highly recommend visiting Karen's shop just for fun. I practically live there and she has the most beautiful fabrics!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Obsession

I have a new obsession. I'm not sure why this matters, but for some reason I have a feeling this is revolutionary for me. Sam doesn't understand why this little bunny is so appealing. Trust me: she is. Unexpectedly so. When you get addicted, too, don't blame me. I warned you. Also, I want a Fifi tattoo. I never thought I'd want a tattoo, but now I do. See? Dangerous stuff.